At Capstone Energy, we strongly believe that our key strengths are our people. With the exceptional and comprehensive turn-key knowledge base and decades of experience of our people, we are able to provide an impeccable service to our clients. Our people’s experience emerges from FEED study and until safe and profitable operation of a facility, which delivers best results in the industry.

Every personal in Capstone Energy has the quality to seamlessly adhere to the core values such as Accountability, Adaptability, Determination, Business Insight & Synergetic Approach.

While Capstone Energy serves the industry to its best through our exceptional minds, we also ensure that development of our people is well organized and delivered to them in a timely manner. The developments are structured in different forms such as training, education, financial upgradations etc. Hence, we are confident that Capstone Energy is not alone the best place for customers, it is the best place for employees too.

All vacancies will be posted here on a periodic basis and as and when there is a need. If you don’t find any or if the posted vacancies are not suitable for you, you shall always drop your resumes to our Human Resource Department, whom will be in touch with you when we are in need of you.

Send your resumes to our Human Resource Department through
